Open Doors Management Employment Opportunity

Looking to do good?

And make some dough?

Do you have experience in researching land? Are you a licensed realtor? Or, are you just getting started in your business career? Our doors are open to those passionate to be a part of a growing enterprise that is transforming the grid into a clean machine! The company is recruiting a lean and mean team of agents.

Learn about Open Doors Management and its expertise at Allegretti Farms

Agent Job Description
Role, Responsibility & Compensation


The agent’s role is to learn how to site land using the proprietary tools of Open Doors Management and then develop a relationship with the land owner leading to a Services Agency Agreement (SAA). The SSA is a form of master agreement between Open Doors and the land owner. Open Doors is the owner’s rep and consultant before the universe of clean energy developers who will want to lease or acquire the land owner’s property for an energy project. Once the SAA is executed, the Agent’s role is to negotiate the interests of the land owner with the party seeking to lease or purchase the land for an energy project. You will be well supported in this phase. It leads to an escrow and a commissionable event.


The agent is responsible for addressing the total potential of one or more US States. This does not require the agent to live in any of the states assigned but it is a big plus. There is an expectation that there will be 30 to 60 days of training; some Agency Services Agreements will be executed; and, within 6 months, a transaction will close. There are three levels for an agent at Open Doors. 

  • Associate Agent
  • Agent
  • Managing Agent

New hires are Associate Agents. They automatically become Agents after closing their first transaction. A Managing Agent oversees other Agents and is active in the solicitation of energy developers.


Compensation follows transaction income. The specifics are described in the Compensation Handbook. To summarize, 55% of transaction income is allocated to agents and 45% to the house. The agent closing the transaction obtains the majority of the income and the remainder is allocated to other agents.

There are benefits:

  • Draws can be created to smooth out income distributions.
  • 401(k) Plans
  • Health and Insurance Plans

The most important benefit is from the feeling of doing good. You are making a difference for good by transitioning to safe energy.


Be the agent of grid and power plant transformation for a clean and prosperous future … The Grid & Open Doors wants you!