BioStar Renewables Green Diesel Plant

Harnessing the Sun to Guarantee Clean Production of Renewable Diesel in Kansas 

Doubling Down on Clean Production

 Aligning with the plant’s foundational commitment to sustainability, it was a priority for the owners to fulfill a majority of their energy requirements using solar power and replace the facility’s prior 22 MW steam generator, supplying 70% of the plant’s energy needs. 

BioStar Renewables Green Diesel Plant Now Gains From

15 MW of solar energy

utilizes a single-axis tracker and will power the renewable diesel plant with on-site clean energy year-round.

Pioneering the Path in Sustainable Fuel Production

the capacity for domestically produced renewable diesel is projected to increase twofold by 2025. This plant will be a significant contribution to the increase.

Energy Self-Reliance

With 70% of its energy needs now securely met, the plant boasts enhanced resilience against grid fluctuations and volatile market conditions.